Tuesday, November 23, 2010

One turn game

The forest is fugus forest, the pond is a khemrian quicksand I think, and the altar and statue we played as nothing since it wasn't until after I deployed that he told me what they were.
My army: (Tenochtitlan) Slann with 2 disciplines, bsb. (Toltec) scar vet with horned one mount and initiative 10 sword. (Olmec) scar vet with always strikes first and glittering scales (hehehe)
And (Maya) level 1 skink priest on engine of the gods. 2 salamander packs, a unit of 9 cold one calvary with standard, 24 lizardmen with spears, full command, a unit of 28 skinks and 3 kroxigor, full command, a unit of 10 skink skirmishers, and a stegadon.

His stuff: Wizard Lord with an extra spell, Warlord with chaos runeshield and ogre blade and bloodcurdling roar riding a steed of slaanesh, a level 2 nurgle sorceror. Then there was 2 units of dogs 5 and 10 strong. A unit of 10 forsaken, mark of khorne, with a champion who had the random spell chaos magic item. 2 units of 15-20 warriors, one with the mark of khorne. And last placed...10 chaos knights with mark of khorne.

So we finally deploy and roll for spells. The thing was, lots of his army was just from the store showcase. It made for a nicer looking game but... I just figure if you don't have the models lets play a lower cost game and get it all done faster.

So I choose metal for something different since everything looks pretty heavily armored. He chooses nurgle magic for his level 2 in the tower and 5 dark magic for his level 4 in the tower and another dark magic spell for a champion in his khorne warriors unit who has a special ability to choose a spell at random. (I don't think this dude should be allowed in a khornate unit.) At this point I don't care what he gets I just want to get the game on with. I take all of metal since I have the discipline of loremaster and exchange for the signature spell. On my skink priest, level 1, I get wind blast.

So he got first turn, which was good for him because it didn't allow me to get up my potent of warding on my engine of the gods. I also told him about the vanguard move because he was explaining that his steed of slaanesh was fast cavalry. But now that I think back, I'm not sure he should have been able to make that vanguard move since he's not fast cav. He's heavily armored.

Anyway in his movement he moves that chaos lord way up to threaten my slann. Then he frenzies my skirmisher skinks who were about to get some good shots on him. Then he also gets off purple sun on my skrox cohort. I'm okay with that because the skinks Initiative is fine... but Kroxigors aren't. One Krox and 3 skinks bite the dust.

I charged his lord with the skirmishers because I had to. I charged the lord with my scar vet on horned one to hold him up so that my slann could continue to operate without problem.

On my turn I don't declare charges on his doggies on the right flank or on his knights on the left. I think that was a mistake. I had wanted to hold back as much as possible because I knew what monsters chaos were in hand to hand. Plus I knew that I had ranged weapons that he didn't have. I'm still unsure about whether or not I should have charged. So I tried to buff my skinks in combat with the Lord with armor piercing but he dispelled it. Then I tried to do the 2d6 strength signature spell on his knights. I could wipe these guys out. But... I failed to cast. I had 2 dice left over and I tried to cast windblast to push his khornate warriors back into the forsaken causeing damage. But alas the priest failed too. So much for running the magic phase. Purple son also took out a couple more skinks in the cohort.

The salamanders did manage to kill 3 knights on the left flank. Woot! The other salamander ate three handlers. The warriors were just barely out of range for my skrox cohort to fire. But this time I had given the skink priest the staff of the lost sun instead of an extra level because I never end up using the preist. So anyway the staff of the lost son killed one warrior from the khornate unit. But I had to hit on 6s. That item has to go on a skink chief. I should have just given the priest a dispel scroll.
In combat with his Lord I excitedly declare that I have initiative 10 but then he says that he has the magic item that cancels out other magic items. So he distributes and gets a wound on Toltec and maybe 4 on the skinks. Toltec returns one wound. The cold blooded ones stick around for another round.

He was under the impression that his frenzied knights had to charge the closest unit. I don't think this is the case but I didn't question it. So he utterly destroyed the salamander, repaying it for burning up three of his costly knights. I know that he gets a free reform after destroying my unit but does he also get to free move into my cold one cavalry? I didnt think so.

The smaller hounds charged my skrox cohort and lost two in the process. I couldn't figure out whether they would have to take a panic test right then or whether they just finish their charge. In the rule book it only talked about taking a panic test in the shooting phase but I think they probably should have had to take a panic check.

His large hounds charged my stegadon and now I'm wondering why I didn't just charge his hounds last turn. I didnt' charge his hounds so that I could shoot one more time with the giant bow. But which is more effective, the giant bow or d6 impact hits, attacks, d6 stomp hits? I guess I also had the salamander which misfired and ate all its handlers.

So I learned from this game that it's better to set your game up in advance against someone you know. And if they don't have the models, just play a smaller points value game.

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