I got together with a friend to give him a trial run of warhammer fantasy. He usually plays historical (black hawk down, desperado, circus maximus, civil war, fire and fury, etc.) He usually trounces me on tactics because he’s cautious, but this time he was feeling rather impetuous in order to get a quick feel for the rules.
Orcs and Goblins
14 wolf riders (shields, bows, boss, banner)
10 spider riders (boss, bows, banner)
38 night goblins (bows, boss, banner, 3 fanatics)
19 savage orcs (bows, boss, banner, musician)
29 black orcs (banner ad boss)
2 spear chukkas
2 doom divers
goblin shaman level 2 on wolf (2 magic missile spells)
goblin hero gorblum (battle standard bearer, spider banner)
Black Orc big boss morglum (heavy armor)
Savage Orc Shaman level 2 (dispel scroll)
Orc Warboss Zork Rumpscratcha on Wyvern (waagh cleava, shield, armor)
28 skinks (brave, standard, 3 krox)
19 saurus (full command)
10 skink skirmishers w brave
9 cold ones
2 salamanders
scar veteran (l.armor, warrior bane, horned one, shield)
priest level 2 on
ancient stegadon
slann w 2 disciplines (+1 die each spell, loremaster) and bsb
oldblood (great weapon, gambler’s armor, luckstone)
So Orcs and Goblins go first. Everybody passes animosity. In movement he brings his wyvern over into the center and moves forward with the wolf riders to get their shots off. The black orcs march forward, the archers manoever, the Savages, spiders, and giant go full forward down the flank.
In magic, Gork goes on the warpath rolling 6 hits each stomp before wandering off. This was a great spell for him to get on my cold ones, killing 3 of them. Oh and he miscast, giving himself a wound.
Shooting also seriously damaged the saurus. YOU DON:T HAVE TO GUESS RANGES ANYMORE!?! wow. I was usually dead on, but that makes warmachines much better since they’ve got randomness already worked in with the misfire dice. Anyway, a total of 8 sauri were taken out by magic and shooting. I tested after losing 5 in magic and they passed panic. Do I have to test each time? I don’t thinks so. The chukkas didn’t hit this time and one doom diver scattered off. What’s the rule for them now? They can still only correct d3? doesn’t matter, he was way off.

Lizard turn. Everybody moved forward. During magic, the priest who had wind blow of lameness spell and something else just made the engine do the gungan shield. (I should only take a level 1 here with the default spell. I just haven’t gotten into heavens yet. All my dice are usually taken by the everliving slann.)
Slann gives himself a throne of vines irresistible force. So the spell gets worked out first right and then I get to roll a 2+ and the miscast doesn’t count. How sweet is that! So he’s fine. Then I go all in for dwellers on the savages and kill 11 including his shaman. Do they get ward saves on that? I forgot their ward saves. woops.
Then in shooting I just barely singe the chinny chin chin of a savage with a salamander. It doesn’t wound. Then the great bow hits the wyvern! Now here I need some help. Does it randomize? Do both get skewered? We rolled and it hit his General. 2 wounds! Ouch. I love my wyvern model but it is just really open to war machine fire in the new rules.

His turn. He waagh’s. Wolf riders get into the skink skirmishers, Black orcs roll low and fail. Zork flies in (how do flying charges work? 3d6 plus ?) he waaghed forward and then we let him charge 20 in. The spider riders charge in. The giant doesn’t make it. Does a giant benefit from a waagh? We didn’t have him move an extra d6.
Night goblins shoot with 20 poisoned shots and kill maybe one guy. Savage Orcs don’t kill anybody. Doom Divers crash down on Ancient stegadon killing all but one crew and the steg Steg gets one wound. Again I wasn’t sure exactly how to work this so we put 1 strength 9 hit on the priest and one on the steg. Priest was gone even with his ward save. Steg only took one wound. 3 crew die.
At this point I remember my stand and shoot reactions. I had tested for terror from the giant and stayed. So the skinks put a hail of javelins into the Wyvern (over half range, stand and shoot, but large target so 5,6 is that right?) Anyway we randomize the hits again and the warlord dies, bites it before he ever sees combat. Ouch. And the wyvern takes a wound and GRRRRs from his reaction table. Wolf riders on the other hand don’t take any wounds from stand and shoot.
In magic he dispels throne of vines.
In close combat the skink skirmishers get slaughtered but hold due to insane courage. 3 poisoned attacks kill 3 skinks without flesh to stone on them yet. Krox whiffs. If he’s in the middle of my 3 kroxs, do supporting attacks go diagonal as well. I thought not so I only had one krox attack. I forgot the thunderstomp. AND FEAR, so I test and pass. Anyway, Orcs and Goblins are pretty pitiful on the charges now due to not going first. Finally, the spiders get demolished and caught. Those saves are pretty invulnerable to most troops.
So my friend had to go at this point but in a hypothetical next round. The wolf riders would have won and reformed ready for a charge next turn on the skrox. The stegadon would charge the black orcs. The skrox would try to defeat the wyvern and overrun into the black orcs but fail. The Ancient Stegadon would charge the black orcs too. The saurus would march up. Sallies would singe the savages and they in turn would flee. The cold ones would turn to face the giant. The slann would cast dwellers on the night goblin archers if they weren’t fleeing already from a 2 failed panic tests from their general biting it.
Thoughts after the game. Even though I wasn’t playing Orcs and Goblins, I learned a few things for them. Warmachines are a must. Wyverns are not. Put all my guys in big blocks. Don’t worry about that stupid spider banner strategy. I haven’t figured out where to put my casters yet. I’d like them mounted for the save and to get in range but I don’t want them racing in and being unable to cast their spells. And maybe a look out sir would be better than a save.
Remember thunderstomp and steadfast! Oh and stupidity, I forgot that.
Lizardmen thoughts…Slann life build is beardy. All I need now is some temple guard to protect this guy and he owns. And I’m not tired of the cold one cavalry yet. I like that save, now if I could just get them to actually flank someone.