Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Lizardmen/Chaos vs. ogres pt. 3

The ironguts and the giant charge the skink cohort and route it. But now there's only two ironguts left and the giant is wounded too. Skreggers falls in combat as the mighty stegadon tramples him underfoot. The gorgers make a long dash to get into combat next turn and the last unit of bulls on the board turns to face the far off action.

The lizardmen and the maruders turn to face the surrounded ironguts and giant. The dragon ogres head back toward the battle. The slann buffs the saurus with +4 toughness and attempts to kill the final ogres with dwellers below. The stegadon shoots and misses.

The gorger charges the Saurus but is unable to do anything to the super-tough Saurii. The giant backs up to get a table quarter. And the last bulls head south to contest the southwestern table quarter.
Tenochtitlan orders his skinks to retrieve the barely breathing, bloodied body of Olmec the scar veteran as he watches the last of the ogre horde lumber off into the east. The Marauders had already left carrying Wulfrik's body to the ship.

How could he have let himself be so foolish as to not practice occlumancy when an ambassador came to parley. He would never let his guard down like that again. Ambassadors would get a colder welcome from here on out. A murmur escaped his lips as he laced his fingers through unseen strands of the geomantic web. He began the spell to bring his brood back to Lustria with him, folding space as the Old ones had taught his masters to do, he transported them back to their temple city. Safe and sound, except for a salamander and a scar veteran.

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