Skreggers holds off both Villitch and the Slann in the magic phase but doesn't bother to dispel throne of vines. The Stegadon goes for a Then the Skink Kroxigor cohort beats the Bulls3 in combat but they can't manage to catch up to them in pursuit. The leadbelcher vs. dragon ogre battle is still raging and drawing. The Marauder horse cause one wound with all their throwing axes. The stegadon goes for a longshot on Skreggers to kill him, but misses.

The gorgers finally enter the board but he fails to face them toward Villitch by mistake. He charges Villitch with three bulls but fails to make it, landing in the fireswamp, but the bulls are fine with warming their toes. Skreggers and the Ironguts finally make their charges though and demolish the marauder horse thus regaining lost wounds for Skreggers. The buffed Ironguts land in the chosen. The Saurus gain the upperhand in their combat and run down the bulls. The giant moves to pursue the Slann. The dragon ogres finally beat the leadbelchers.

The ogre bulls on the left charge and kill Villitch thus removing the slann from his spell. Now Tenochtitlan faces off directly against Skreggers, the last standing lord. The gorgers rush to get into the battle. Skreggers marches over to the center. The Ironguts turn to face the still buffed skinks. The giant moves to get off a charge. The leadbelchers obliterate the scar veteran in front of them with cannonfire.

Charge!!!! The dragon ogres assault the tower and this time they waste no time frolicking around with leadbelchers, they route them off the board in the first combat. The Skinks fail their charge against the ironguts. But the Slann and the Stegadon slam into an already wounded Skreggers. Skreggers allocates all of his attacks against the Slann before realizing that they don't affect him at all. The Slann is immune to non-magic attacks and Skreggers just has two regular hand weapons (literally, they're weapon hands.)

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