18 Lothern Sea Guard: full command, shields
12 Archers
20 Phoenix Guard: full command, banner of sorcery
6 Dragon Princes: musician
Great Eagle
Archmage: level 4, silver wand, folriath's robe, talisman of Saphery, Life magic
Noble: Battle Standard Bearer, Armor of Caledor, Guardian Phoenix, Great Weapon
Zork Rumpscratcha's Orcs:
29 Orcs: shields, full command
29 Savage Orcs: shields, full command (I had equipped them with spears but I forgot them.)
29 Black Orcs: banner and boss
1 Doom Diver
Orc Warboss: armor of destiny, spiteful shield
Black Orc Big Boss: heavy armor, shield, bsb, mork's war banner
Savage Orc Shaman: level 2, potion of toughness
The Orcs gained the first turn. The three massive units of orcs were a little intimidating. Then rubber twanged and a doom diver landed amidst the seaguard killing 5. The shaman sought to thin out the ranks even more but his magic missile fizzled in his mind (as I rolled snake eyes to cast.)
Then the Orcs let out a mighty shout and Waaaghed forward. The frenzied savage orcs charged the dragon princes whilst the other orcs merely marched forward hoping to magically waaagh into combat. Alas, it was not to be. (I rolled four 1s to cast waaagh.) The doom diver misfired. The savages killed 3 dragon princes, they broke, but they failed to catch the knights.
On his turn he rallies the dragon princes, the phoenix guard (and eagle?) charge the black orcs and the seaguard charge the savages flank. Flesh to stone is dispelled. Regrowth only regrows 2 seaguard. He fails to cast dwellers. Black Orcs make their break test. Combat is a draw with the savages. (do I get a free reform?) I fail my reform leadership check on the savages.
The Orc Horde charges into the Great Eagle flanking the Black Orcs. The Orc Shaman attempts to prevent the elves rerolling failed hits by casting Waaagh but the Archmage dispells it. The Doom diver kills maybe 5 archers. The The black orcs just barely pass their leadership check after failing combat. The horde of Orcs wounds the eagle but he'll just heal it with life magic. The Savage Orcs rout the seaguard and chase them down.
At this point I'm hopeful. The dragon princes and archers are handicapped. The seaguard is gone. The orc horde is going to squish that eagle and get into the flank of the phoenix guard. And hopefully I'll eventually come around with that savage orc block and either finish off the phoenixes or decimate the archers.
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